Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Saturday BEFORE Christmas

I'm sure by now that most of you have heard the latest with the Skinner family. The Saturday before Christmas they had a house fire. Thankfully no one was at home. Missy's sister-in-laws on Jeff's side came by and took her and Megan Christmas shopping. Their husbands came by and took Jeff out of the house for a little while.

During this time, there was a fire with the dryer. It has been said that there was an electrical spark that caused the fire. The insurance company has already been out and started the ball rolling. They are going to gut their townhouse down to the 2x4's and start all over.

The day of the fire they moved in to our house in Morris. You take the lemon and make lemonade. I thought for a little while that Missy was going to lose it. She got it together and has really had a good outlook on life.

On Saturday or Sunday night ( I can't remember because all of the days are running together.)Missy made a list of problems and blessings. Praise the Lord her blessings were many more pages than her problems. She listed only 10 problems in her life and had 6 pages of blessings! Do you see God at work? I do!

I am proud of myself. On Monday, I was left at home all day with the list and did not read it! I was so tempted! I felt this was a private matter even though she had told me about it. I knew if Missy wanted me to read it she would tell me so. Thankfully, she finally told me that I could read it. It was very touching. Maybe later I will share the contents with her permission.

Through all of this we have been able to spend some special time with Jeff, Missy, and Megan. If you want to see Jeff at his best, come over around 7:00 AM. It is still a long road ahead...but...with God all things are possible! Please continue to pray for healing and encouragement!

I almost forgot to share how good God is! On that blazing Saturday, when everything had settled down, you could choose to laugh or cry. So of course, we chose to find humor. We were joking about writing in to Extreme Home Make Over. We all felt that their story was sad enough that they might just get picked. On Monday, Missy called me and tearfully said...Who needs Extreme Home Make Over when you have a community, family, friends, work related acquaintances, and special people that God places in your life at the right time. God has truly taken the bad and turned it to good. He does what He says He will do. His blessings have been poured out on them. To all of you special people that have been a part of God's blessings...THANK YOU and PRAISE AND GLORY BE TO OUR GOD!

1 comment:

The Harris' said...

It is Truly Truly amazing at how our God works!!!